Modeling with Impact

Knud Munk

Knud Munk (September 5, 1946-July 21, 2012) was an invited Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Louvain, a former Principal Administrator at the European Commission, and Associate Professor at the University of Aarhus.

Knud Munk worked mainly in the fields of optimal taxation, CGE modeling, agricultural policy. He produced numerous research and policy papers on the European agricultural policy, reform of the European fisheries policy, the cost of harmonization of policies among the EU countries. He also developed models to analyze optimal capital taxation issues with internationally mobile capital and the trade-offs between equity and efficiency considerations.

One of the recent research areas of Knud Munk was optimal taxation in the presence of externalities. He wrote several papers on transport policy, road pricing, taxation of commuting and freight, and pricing of the use of the large Danish bridges.

Knud Munk studies economics at the University of Aarhus and received his PhD in economics at the University of Essex. He lectured and conducted research in numerous countries around the world and was a very active member of the EcoMod network.