Modeling with Impact

Regional and Urban Modeling

Patricia Abelairas, Inmaculada Astorquiza Ikazuriaga, Ana Ferrero Rodriguez, Patricia Abelairas Etxebarria
The Price of the Rustic Land in a Protected Natural Space: Econometric Analysis in the Case of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve

Marcel Adenauer, Torbjorn Jansson
Estimating Parameters of a Constrained Non-linear Optimization Model Using Multiple Observations

Olga Alonso-Villar, Coral Del Rio
The Geographical Concentration of Unemployment: a Male-female Comparison in Spain

Carlos Azzoni, Fernando G. Da Silveira, Alexandre Iwata, Carlos R. Azzoni, Antonio Ibarra
Estimating Regional Poverty Lines With Scarce Data: An Application to Brazilian Regions

Ana Barreira, Rui Nuno Baleiras
Cycles On Public Expenditure Composition Within the European Union

Francisco J. Bastida-Albaladejo, Bernardino Benito, José Antonio García
The Determinants of Efficiency in Municipal Governments

Federica Barzi
Finance and Growth: A Micro-founded Approach

Ali Bayar, Frédéric Dramais, Cristina Mohora, Masudi Opese
Regional and Sectoral Effects of Environmental Voluntary Agreements

Mahamadou Belem, Sansa Youl, Raphael Manlay, Bruno Barbier, Christophe Lepage
MIROT: A multi-Agent System Model for the Simulation of the Dynamics of Carbon Resources of West-African Village Territories

Lamia Ben Hamida
Multinational Firms, Spillovers, and Productivity Growth: An Evolutionary Model

Holger Bergmann
Data Based Uncertainty in Regional Input-Output-Analysis - Some Model Calculations About the Importance of Agriculture in the "Alte Land"

Rickard Bergqvist, Jonas Tornberg
Locations for Intermodal Transport Terminals – How to go about evaluation?

Uwe Blien, Friedrich Graef
Estimating Labour Market Flows by the ADETON Method

Lovisa Blomqvist, Bengt Hillring
Scenic Views and Bioenergy Production

Lars Bohlin
SAINT - a Standard CGE Model for Advanced Analysis of Indirect Taxation

Maarten Bosker
The Spatial Evolution of Regional GDP Disparities in the 'Old' and the 'New' Europe

Aleid Brouwer, A. Van Witteloostuijn, C. Boone
Organizational Diversity and the Growth and Economic Performance of Cities, An empirical Study in Zwolle, the Netherlands, 1850-1914

Mikel Buesa, Thomas Baumert, Joost Heijs, Monica Marti­nez Pellitero
Novel Applications of Existing Econometric Instruments to Analyse Regional Innovation Systems: The Spanish Case

Yong Cao, Michael, Li Zhi-feng
Economic Impact of Trade Exhibitions on the City-State Singapore Economy

Makena Coffman, Karl Kim
Estimating the Impacts of Banning Commercial Bottomfish Fishing in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands

Mert Cubukcu
Cost of Urban Bus Transit Operations and Geography of Service Territory

Sandy Dall'erba, Julie Le Gallo
The Impact of EU Regional Policy Revisited

Sandy Dall'erba, De Groot
A Meta-Analysis of Thirty Years of EU Regional Policy Evaluation

Karolien De Bruyne, Jan Van Hove
Explaining Spatial Variation in Housing Prices: An Economic Geography Approach

Sabrina Di Addario
Job Search in Thick Markets

Gerald Doeksen
The Changing Face of Economic Development: Health Care As An Economic Engine

Angela Druckman, T. Jackson, E. Papathanasopoulou, P. Bradley
Attributing Carbon Emissions to Functional Household Needs: a Pilot Framework For the UK

Guido Ferrari, Anna Manca
ESAM Based Regional Economic Policy

Alpay Filiztekin
Urban Dynamics in Turkey

James Foreman-Peck, Laurian Lungu, Patrick Minford
Fiscal Devolution in a Small Open Regional Economy

Mário Fortuna, Ali Bayar, Cristina Mohora, Francisco Silva, Suat Sisik
A Computable General Equilibrium Modeling Platform for the Azorean Economy:, A Simple Approach with International Trade

Eduardo Haddad, Geoffrey Hewings, Raul Dos Santos
Port Efficiency and Regional Development

Petr Halamek
Shadow Prices For Costs and Benefits in the Regional Development Projects

Jean-Marie Halleux
Modelling the Spatial Structure of Land Markets: Application to Belgium and Its New Residential Developments

Joerg Heining, Joerg Lingens
Social Interaction in Regional Labour Markets

Martin Henseler, Alexander Wirsig, Tatjana Krimly
An Agro-economic Regional Model For the Neckar River Basin - First Results of Politic Scenario Calculations

Oliver Holtemoller, Rainer Schulz
Apartment House Prices and the Macroeconomy: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence

Kirstin Hubrich, Guenter Beck, Massimiliano Marcellino
Regional Inflation Dynamics within and across Euro Area Countries and a Comparison with the US

Andrew Hunt, Ian Stone
Assessing Contribution of the North East of England's Higher Education Sector to the Regional Economy.

Fadeyibi Isaac Olugenga, Oyedeji Oluwasanm
Restructuring Fiscal System in Developing Countries: Rationale, Strategies and Politics

Torbjorn Jansson
Estimating Prices and Excess Demand and Trade Costs in a Spatial Price Equilibrium Model

Anna Jonsson
Mapping of PM10 Contribution From Domestic Heating Sector in Rotorua

Markus Kempen, Thomas Heckelei, Wolfgang Britz
Validation of Spatially Explicit Land Use Choices Based On Probabilistic Theory

Ebru Kerimoglu, Hale Ciraci
The Evaluation of Relation Between Spatial Distribution of Hotels and Business Services With Respect to Spatial Development of Istanbul

Ebru Kerimoglu, Hale Ciraci
The Spatial Distrubution of Service Firms in Istanbul Metropolitan Area

Jouko Kinnunen, Richard Palmer
Future Demand of Labour and the Need of Education in the Ã…land Islands

Olivia Koland, Birgit Friedl
Urban Sprawl, Car-related Pollution and Settlement Structure: Insights From a Two-region General Equilibrium Model

Mert Kompil, H. Murat Celik
Modeling the Spatial Consequences of Retail Structure Change of Izmir-turkey: a Quasi-empirical Aplication of Spatial Interaction Model

Juha-Pekka Konttinen
Regional Tourism Satellite Account (RTSA) and Economic Effects in Finnish Regions

Waldo Krugell, W.a. Naudé, Stephanie Rossouw
The Quality of Metropolitan City Life in South Africa

Waldo Krugell, Maarten Boskerr
Convergence Or Divergence of South African Cities and Towns?

Matteo Lanzafame
The Nature of Regional Unemployment in Italy

Morten Marott Larsen
Endogenous Location and Commuting Choice in a Labour-market Search Model

Carlos Leite
Urban Clusters As Strategy For Productive Restructuring and Urban Regenerarion: From San Francisco Mission Bay to Sao Paulo Railroad Brownfield

Albert Lessoua
Evaluating the Relationship Between Household Income and Atmospheric Pollution: Reconsidering the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Region of Haute Normandie

Vincent Linderhof, Heleen Bartelings
Effective Landfill Taxation: a Case Study For the Netherlands

Heikki Loikkanen, Ilkka Susiluoton
Cost Efficiency of Finnish Municipalities in Basic Service Provision 1994-2002

Joao Lopes, J. F. Amaral, J. Dias
Scale and Structure Effects of Final Demand Shocks: Measuring Interindustry Linkages in National and Regional Economies

Stefania Lovo, Paola De Agostini, Francesco Pecci, Paola De Agostini, Federico Perali
Analyzing the Impact of Alternative Management Scenarios For Natural Areas Using a Local Sam

Jesús López-Rodríguez, J. Andrés Faíña
Regional Income Disparities in Europe: What Role for Location?

Jesús López-Rodríguez, J. Andrés Faíña
Human Capital Accumulation and Geography: Empirical Evidence in the European Union

Oleg Lugovoy, Evgeny Polyakov, Vladimir Dashkeyev, Ilya Mazayev, Denis Fomchenko
Determinants of Growth of Russian Regions

Bjarne Madsen, Chris Jensen-Butler
The General Interregional Price Model

Bjarne Madsen, Chris Jensen-Butler
The General Interregional Quantity Model

Marianne Matthee, W.A. Naudé, W.F. Krugell
Domestic Transport Costs and the Location of Export-oriented Manufacturing Firms in South Africa: a Cubic-spline Density Function Approach

Knud Munk
Assessment of the Introduction of Road Pricing Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model

Michael Nadler, Christian von Malottki
Added Values of geographic information systems in the real estate life cycle

Tiiu Paas, Friso Schittle, Andres Kuusk
Modelling Regional Income Convergence in EU-25

Ritu Paliwal, Prateek Sharma
Application of Qual2e For the River Yamuna: to Assess the Impact of Pointloads and to Recommend Measures to Improve Water Quality of the River

Roberto Patuelli, Aura Reggiani, Peter Nijkamp
The Development of Regional Employment in Germany: Results from Neural Network Experiments

Dieter Pennerstorfer
Spatial Price Competition in the Austrian Retail Gasoline Market: The Influence of Unbranded Stations on Competition and Prices

Alexandra Petermann Reifschneider, Felipe Morandé, Miguel Vargas
The Determinants of Vacant Land Inside Cities: the Case of Santiago De Chile

Alexandra Petermann Reifschneider
Competition in the Provision of Local Public Goods

Laura-Oana Petrov, Carlo Lavalle, Valentina Sagris, Jose Barredo, Marjo Kasanko
Simulating Urban and Regional Evolutions: Scenarios of Development in Three Study Cases: Algarve Province (Portugal), Dresden-Prague Transport Corridor (Germany-Czech Republic) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region (Italy)

Jose Pineda
Convergence Dynamics in the Andean Community

Alberto Pirani, Anna Gaviglio, Luca Rigamonti, Alberto Pirani, Martina Licitra Pedol
Territorial Analysis in Support of Policy-Making. A Conceptual and Methodological Model

Natalia Presman, Arie Arnon
Commuting Patterns in Israel

Wendy Proctor
A Participatory Approach to Water Management in the Face of Climate Change

Isabel Proenca, Isabel Menes
Measuring the Average Per Day Net Benefit of Non-consumptive Wildlife - Associated Recreation For a National Park: a Count-Data Travel Cost Approach

M. Ejaz Qureshi, Wendy Proctor, M. Kirby
Economic Assessment of Water Trade Restrictions in the Murray Darling Basin

Claudia Rave, Ricardo A. Smith,, Angela I. Cadena, Juan M. Alzate Y, Juan. D. Vasquez
Integrated Energy-Environment-Economy Evaluation of the Energy Sector in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburra Valley (Colombia) For Sustainable Development

German Rios, Jennifer Arencibia
Social Capital and Household Welfare in Venezuela

Cassio Rolim, Ricardo KureskiCassio Rolim
Short-Run Economic Impact of State Universities in Parana

Sergio P. Santos, Joao A. Silva
Using Input-output Analysis to Estimate the Regional Economic Impact of Universities: a Case Study

Sirin Saracoglu, Murat G. Kirdar
Does Internal Migration Lead to Faster Regional Convergence in Turkey?: An Empirical Investigation

Ana Sargento
Empirical Examination of the Gravity Model in Two Different Contexts: Estimation and Explanation

José A. Scaramucci, Marcelo P. Cunha
The Construction of an Updated Economic Database for Energy Studies: an Application to the Brazilian Sugarcane Agroindustry

Basil Sharp, Michael Krausse
Measuring Environmental Effects On Property Values: Analysis of Spatially Variable Relationships

Guido Signorino
Policy Mistakes, Wrong Solutions and the Collapse of Functional Equilibrium in the Urban Space

S. Srinidhi, N.r Srinivasa Raghavan
Modeling Urban Traffic Planning Through Strategic Decisions - a Case From Bangalore, India

Karl Steininger, Olivia Koland, Gerold Zakarias
Circular Causality in Spatial Environmental Quality and Commuting: a Spatial CGE Analysis Within a NUTS III Region

Karl Steininger, Alfried Braumann, Hannes Pichler, Erik Schaffer, Christoph Schmid
New Primary Road Transport Infrastructure and the Development of Spatial Distribution of Growth: A SCGE Analysis for an Eastern Austrian Border Region

Frantisek Strelecek
Selected Problems of Small Municipalities Financing From Sapard Scheme

Ian Sue Wing
Limiting CO2 Emissions in a Federal System: Understanding and Mitigating the Cost of U.S. Climate Policy At the State Level

Hannu Torma
Regional Macro, Employment, Allocation and Welfare Effects of Lapua Town's Simpsiö and Novapark Development Projects - a CGE Regfin Model Application

Sevkiye Sence Turk, Lale Berkoz
Modelling the Intra-metropolitan Location of Foreign Investment Firms in Istanbul

Sevkiye Sence Turk, Lale Berkoz
Locational Determinants of Foreign Investment Firms in Turkey

Mehmet Ali Ulubasoglu, Buly Cardak
International Comparisons of Rural-Urban Educational Attainment: Data and Determinants

Frank Van Geirt, Erik Nuyts
Cross-sectional Accident Models On Flemish Motorways Based On Infrastructural Design

Eveline Van Leeuwen, Sandy Dall'erba
Does Agricultural Employment Benefit From EU Support?

Stefan Van Parys, Tom Verbeke
Tax Competition Among Belgian Municipalities: a Multidimensional Battle?

Esther Velázquez, M. Alejandro Cardenete, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings
Water Price and Water Relocation in Andalusia. A Computable General Equilibrium Approach

Robert Verhaeghe
Modeling For Integrated Planning of Space, Mobility and Water

Eugene Verkade, W. Vermeulen
The CPB Regional Labour Market Model. A Tool For Long Term Scenario Construction

Milan Viturka
Innovative Potential Regional Evaluation in the Czech Republic

Ugur Yankaya, H. Murat Celik
Modeling the Impacts of Rail Transit Investment On the Values of Residential Property: a Hedonic Price Approach in the Case of Izmir Subway, Turkey

Emrah Yalcinalp, Mustafa Var
The Effects of Natural and Cultural Degradations in Trabzon Karadag High Plateau-Tourism Center, Turkey, on Eco-tourism Activities and Some Solution Proposals

Stelios Zimeras, Cleon Tsimbos
Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Immigrant Population in Greece