Modeling with Impact

Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling Using GAMS


What will you learn and implement?
A refresher in GAMS.
How to use GAMS-IDE.
What are the advanced features of GAMS.
Which GAMS solvers to use in modeling.
What is the best strategy in large-scale complex model development.How to build a static general equilibrium model with perfect competition.
Introduction to the model EcoMod1A (preparation for imperfect competition).


What will you learn and implement?
How to introduce imperfect competition:

  • Introduction: Imperfect competition - why bother?
  • Alternative models of imperfectly competitive firm conduct
    • Models with intra-industry product homogeneity
      • Cournot oligopoly
      • Conjectural variations
    • Models with intra-industry product differentiation
      • Love of variety: The algebra of Dixit-Stiglitz preferences
      • Monopolistic competition
      • Bertrand oligopoly
      • Cournot oligopoly.
  • Practical Computer Lab exercises
    • Introducing imperfect competition and increasing returns.
      • Modifications of the GAMS code
      • Calibration of the additional model parameters
      • Reporting industrial organization effects
      • Simulations of a tax policy shock under alternative assumptions about firm conduct
    • Open economy extensions.

What will you learn and implement?
Imperfect competition: open economy extensions.

A refresher course in mathematical optimization.
How to derive the first-order conditions.
Forward-looking expectations.
Finite-horizon approximation of infinite-horizon dynamics.


What will you learn and implement?
How to build a dynamic intertemporal partial equilibrium model for the consumer.
How to build a dynamic intertemporal partial-equilibrium model for the producer.

How to calibrate it.
How to close it.
How to implement it in GAMS.
How to run simulations.
How to build a single country open economy dynamic intertemporal general equilibrium model.
How to calibrate it.
How to close it.
How to implement it in GAMS.
How to run simulations.


What will you learn and implement?
How to build a single country closed economy dynamic intertemporal general equilibrium model.
How to build the database.

How to build a dynamic intertemporal multi-national model.