Modeling with Impact

Energy and Environmental CGE Modeling Using GAMS


What will you learn and implement?

A refresher in GAMS.
How to use GAMS-IDE.
What are the advanced features of GAMS.
Which GAMS solvers to use in modeling.
What is the best strategy in large-scale complex model development.
How to build a standard open-economy general equilibrium model.
How to build the database.
How to calibrate the model.
How to implement it in GAMS.
How to run simulations.


What will you learn and implement?

How to build a standard open-economy general equilibrium model (continued).
How to transform the standard model into an environmental CGE model.
How to model the substitution possibilities between different energy sources.
How to change the nests in the production functions to disaggregate energy sources.


What will you learn and implement?

How to introduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
How to build the database.
How to calibrate the model.
How to implement it in GAMS.
How to run simulations.


What will you learn and implement?

How to introduce the carbon taxes
How to introduce the tradable pollution permits.
How to calibrate the model.
How to implement it in GAMS.
How to run simulations.


What will you learn and implement?

How to introduce dynamics.
How to calibrate the dynamics.
How to introduce technical change.
How to introduce backstop technologies.
How to produce a business-as-usual scenario.
How to use the model for policy analysis.