Financial Social Accounting Matrices (FSAM): Building and Modeling Real-Financial Multiplier Models for Policy Analysis
Module 1: National Accounting System
The National Statistical System
System of National Accounts 2008
Supply and Use Table (SUT)
Integrated Economic Account (IEA)
Transaction Matrices (TM)
Flow of Funds (FF)
Module 2: The input-output tables and financial social accounting matrices
Input-Output Matrices (IOM)
Social accounting matrices (SAM)
Financial Social Accounting Matrix (FSAM)
Introduction to modeling with matrices.
Interpretation and analysis of the matrices.
Module 3: Derivation of accounting multipliers.
Interpretation of multipliers.
Impact assessment using multiplier analysis.
Scenario building and single and multiple objective instruments.
Forward and backward linkages.
Module 4. Structural Path Analysis
Additive and multiplicative decomposition.
Derivation of the multiplicative decomposition.
Module 5. Extensions of the SAM and satellite accounts
Extension of the social accounting framework to financial, demographic, social and environmental issues.