Macroeconometric Modeling, Forecasting, and Policy Analysis Using EViews
Course objective:
By the end of the course the participants will have acquired detailed knowledge of and extensive hands-on experience in:
- Macroeconometric modeling: history, types, structure.
- Data, their type, and characteristics.
- The use of EViews for data analysis.
- Econometric estimations and testing with EViews.
- Nonstationarity and Unit root tests.
- Cointegration tests and long-run estimations.
- Error correction models and short-run analysis.
- Building a macroeconometric model in EViews.
- The algorithms for solving models.
- Checking the validity and consistency of models.
- Calibration and update of models.
- Designing scenarios and running policy simulations.
- Reporting the model results. Interpretations and policy implications.