Introduction to General Equilibrium Modeling Using GAMS
Monday | Morning |
What will you learn and implement? What are the fundamental elements of GAMS? |
Afternoon |
What will you learn and implement? What are the common functional forms in CGE modeling? |
Tuesday | Morning |
What will you learn and implement? How to build the simplest core model. |
Afternoon |
What will you learn and implement? What is a multi-level production function? |
Wednesday | Morning |
What will you learn and implement? How to introduce the CES function. |
Afternoon |
What will you learn and implement? How to introduce the LES function and how to calibrate its parameters (continued). |
Thursday | Morning |
What will you learn and implement? How to introduce savings and investments. |
Afternoon |
What will you learn and implement? How to introduce the government (continued). |
Friday | Morning |
What will you learn and implement? How to open the economy. |
Afternoon |
What will you learn and implement? How to open the economy (continued). |