Modeling with Impact

Practical General Equilibrium Modeling with GAMS


Monday Morning

What will you learn and implement?

What are the fundamental elements of GAMS?
How to run a model using GAMS.
How to use GAMS-IDE.
Which GAMS solvers to use in modeling?


What will you learn and implement?

What are the common functional forms in CGE modeling?
How to derive the first-order conditions.
How to implement a partial equilibrium model in GAMS.

Tuesday Morning

What will you learn and implement?

How to build the simplest core model.
What is the Walras Law?
What is the homogeneity restriction?
What does closure mean?
What is the numeraire?
How to implement the model in GAMS.
How to run a simulation.
How to debug and validate the model.


What will you learn and implement?

What is a multi-level production function?
How to introduce IO flows.
How to calibrate the parameters of a Cobb-Douglas function and the technical coefficients.
How to implement the model in GAMS.

Wednesday Morning

What will you learn and implement?

How to introduce the CES function.
How to calibrate its parameters. 
How to implement the model in GAMS.
How to introduce the LES function and how to calibrate its parameters (introduction).


What will you learn and implement?

How to introduce the LES function and how to calibrate its parameters (continued).
How to implement the model in GAMS.

Thursday Morning

What will you learn and implement?

How to introduce savings and investments.
How to implement the model in GAMS.
How to introduce the government (introduction).


What will you learn and implement?

How to introduce the government (continued).
How to implement the model in GAMS.

Friday Morning

What will you learn and implement?

How to open the economy.
How to model imports and exports.


What will you learn and implement?

How to open the economy (continued).
How to implement the model in GAMS.